Thursday, October 27, 2011

Breathtaking Bolivia

Breathtaking. Literally… at over 13,600ft every breath is precious.  We landed in El Alto, Bolivia and began our journey down the mountain to La Paz.  At over 12,000ft, La Paz is the world’s highest capital.  We had a very productive meeting with the church leadership in Bolivia at the Nazarene Seminary.  What a beautiful campus surrounded by majestic peaks.  Rev. Macedonio, director of the Seminary, told of the “campamento” he went to this past weekend.  He left La Paz in the back of a dump truck on top of a load of gravel and traveled all night long to get to Yungas, where the youth retreat was to be held.  30 young adults committed their lives to Christ this past weekend during the campamento!  I wonder if I would be willing to travel all night long in the back of a dump truck to preach the gospel???  I’m glad Rev. Macedonio was willing.

Please pray for the work in Bolivia.  There is great need here and there are many projects that could really benefit from some willing, radical followers of Christ to sacrifice their own comfort so that others can come to the realization of Jesus Christ as their personal savior.  Hope to see you soon in Bolivia…

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Headed to Paraguay

After traveling 23,490 miles, switching beds 31 times, and spending time with a lot of wonderful people, we are at the end of our home assignment.  God has been faithful and each of you has been a tremendous blessing to us!  Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you that have opened your home, your church, and your lives to us throughout these last few months!!  
We are excited about the days ahead.  Charlie will be speaking in Alaska for our final two services and Barry has headed to Paraguay to get things started and set up for our new ministry.  Charlie, Alex, and Alyssa stayed behind for a few weeks so that we would all be able to attend Chris’ (Barry’s brother) wedding in November.  On November 15th we will all travel to Paraguay (except Andrew). He loves college and his new adventure into adulthood.  Mom is surviving because he loves her enough to text back and keep in touch.    Alex and Alyssa are really beginning to embrace this new chapter in our lives.  Please pray for them to find great friends as we settle in to our new home.  It has been fun for them to be with their cousins in Alaska for a few days before we leave.
We cannot express to you how grateful we are for each one of you.  We have asked for your prayers as we go to Paraguay, to find favor with the people there, and God has already proven faithful and prepared the hearts of many that Barry has already met and begun to build relationships with.  We also asked for prayers that we would be able to raise enough funds to purchase two vehicles, one of which we have already been blessed with.  It is so much fun to experience God’s answered prayer!!  Thank you again for your prayers and support.

We look forward to all that God has in store as we move forward.  We will be posting lots of new pictures and stories in the weeks to come so that you can travel through this time with us.  We love you all and ask for your continued prayer and support.  We will keep you in our prayers!!
Barry and Charlie